Openingsdag voor inzendingen:
Sluiten van de ontvangst van de stalen
Bekendmaking van de resultaten:
Bevestiging van inschrijvingen :
Uw inschrijving wordt pas bevestigd na ontvangst van:
- één ingevuld inschrijvingsformulier per voorgesteld bier
- Aantal flesjes/blikjes per proefstaal: 6 voor een inhoud van minder dan 0,5l ; 3 voor een inhoud van meer dan 0,5l
- de betaling met credietcard (ter attentie van « Becomev ») van uw deelname aan het Concours, of bewijs van bankoverschrijvingrèglement
Deelnameprijs per proefstaal is :
180 € (excl. btw) voor 15/08/2024
190 € (excl. btw) na 16/08/2024
De inschrijvingskosten kunt u betalen via:
- Overschrijving : BECOMEV BNP Paribas Fortis BE39 0016 5981 7419 (IBAN), GEBABEBB (Bank Identification Code) – BNP Paribas Fortis Bank
- Kredietkaart : Visa / Master card ou American Express
Ontvangst van de proefstalen : tussen 2 september en 11 oktober
- Zend 6 flesjes/blikjes per proefstaal voor een inhoud van minder dan 0,5l
- Zend 3 flesjes/blikjes per proefstaal voor een inhoud van meer dan ( of gelijk aan ) 0,5l
BeComev – Brussels Beer Challenge
rue Memlingstraat 9
B-1070 Brussels, Belgium
+32 478 21 27 32
+33 6 50 66 41 58
Rules of
Brussels Beer Challenge
Section 1 – Organisation
The Brussels Beer Challenge (BBC) is organized by Beer Communication Events (BECOMEV) rue de Mérode 60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium (website:
Section 3 – Competitor
The competition is open, without discrimination, to every commercially-operated brewery/company, which is officially registered according to the respective national laws.
Section 7 – Control and stocking of samples received
The BBC checks the shipments of Beer received and the official documents that accompany them, corrects any possible errors and refuses samples that do not correspond to the following regulations.
- The labeling of products made in the EU member states must comply with the Community regulations, and for other countries, this must conform to the regulations in force in the country of production.
- The BBC will sort the samples according to their (Section 4) declarations characteristics or, if necessary, by their obvious characteristics.
- The organizer will store the samples in a secure place under temperature and atmospheric conditions that will guarantee optimum storage.
The BBC is going to control the award-winning beers by comparing a selection of those products to an anonymously-bought sample from the same beer. A certified laboratory will be in charge of the comparative analysis and the comparative tasting (by a panel of independent beer tasters). In case of serious doubt or proven difference, the BBC reserves the right to cancel the awarded medal, to warn the relevant fraud services (or equivalent) and to expel the implicated producers from all competitions, organized by the BBC for a period of five years. The BBC will inform the brewers involved.
Section 19 – Beyond control events and changes
If an event beyond the control of the BBC was to prevent the contest from happening, the BBC can not under any circumstances held liable.
The BBC reserves the right to cancel the competition, to change the date scheduled of the event, to shorten or lengthen it, to modify the conditions or the operation in case of force majeure (epidemic, fire, flooding, natural catastrophe, strike, terrorist act, act of God, …), or any event beyond their control or deemed justifiably necessary. Their liability cannot thereby be incurred and no compensation can be requested by participants.
The BBC cannot be held responsible for any theft, loss, damage or delay in the delivery of samples.